Today's Coffee: Starbucks - Pikes Peak. Black, no additives which allows the rich flavor to roll across my tongue. Noticing a trend with my coffee? Yeah me too, I should probably change brands here soon.
"When the time comes for you to change, the universe will make you so uncomfortable - you no longer will have a choice." - Anonymous
The Meeting: I sat in a meeting today with someone who knows what they are doing. Someone who understands the processes at work, and someone who has been around for a very long time. His frustration was evident as his voice wavered and he pronounced his opinions with force.
Part of a manager's duty is always to listen to their employees. It's something that I struggle with because I instantly want to reply. But life has taught me, an instant response usually generates another. So I've held back and learned to approach conversations with kindness. I relaxed, ensured him I was concerned and encouraged him to talk to me. Talk to me not as a manager or as a gossip center, but talk to me like your therapist. Someone who won't judge and someone who will look at the big picture with you. My ears perked as he explained his goals for himself over the foreseeable future.
This isn't something he had decided on a whim. He had thoughtfully curated a plan for himself to make changes in his work life. It's clear he is tired. And sometimes life tries to tell you, it's too much. Ultimately I believe when life has different plans for you, change will happen whether you like it or not. Sometimes, you become so uncomfortable, those thoughts become realities that you can't help but spew out in a meeting. Even if you don't intend to, which can force you to make an uncomfortable decision. I get it, and I've been there. In a place where you feel like work is nitpicking, or tearing you apart. And it's a tiring place to be in.
Uncomfortable Decisions: While change is hard, scary and sometimes it's rough, I know it can be a beautiful process. It's the one constant that we have in life. That everything changes. For me, I tend to either make a snap decision, or wait until I am so uncomfortable I can't wait any further. I think of some of my past relationships. There were notes of red flags. And there were times where I questioned myself and who I was in the relationship. I am guilty of thinking, "well maybe it will get better?" And sometimes it does, for a short time, but I think I dismiss my gut feeling all too quickly. Just like the guy I met with today, I want to shout to the world on how tired I am. We may not see it when we don't pay attention but those that are getting uncomfortable, tend to show it externally. It can be in mannerisms, tiredness, different effort, etc. But we put on a smile and push through the day. That's what we are taught to do. But the truth is, sometimes you need to do something different. I do believe you need to make sure it's the right decision for you. Research, plan, pray about it. Of course, as long as it's not hurting yourself or anyone else, it's okay to take a leap of faith.
You will feel it when it's time to change. And I think it's important to note you might not be ready for it. But I don't think we are ever 100% ready for it. Embracing change creates new layers to who we are and I'm excited to see every one we add on.
Until next time, let's wander - after coffee of course.