It starts like this every time I am determined to commit to something. The doom scrolling on Instagram immediately fills my evening. Netflix binge-watching consumes my weekend. And finally, oh-my, cheese and crackers! The retail therapy is through the roof. Especially with all the Black Friday deals going on this time of year. I find every excuse in the book not to sit down and actually do the thing I say I will do. Heck, sometimes I start it for ten minutes, then whoops! Dishes need to be done or look at that, time to switch the laundry.
I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm scared of failure, or perhaps I don't want to put in the effort I know this new side project needs. I think part of me knows that sometimes I'll just start it and then decide later that it wasn't for me and give up. So, in that case, why start it altogether? All I can say is that I hope that doesn't happen with this blog.
Why I Started:
There are a few reasons why I decided to write this. More or less, it's really to help my life balance outside of work. I usually get up in the morning, go to the gym (or slam the snooze button 6 times and sip my coffee on my patio instead) and go to work. Then, when I get home that night, I crash immediately with Netflix and look at hockey reels on Instagram sent back and forth to my boyfriend. Then 9:15PM hits, and right on the dot, my nightly phone call with my boyfriend occurs for 30 min till I am ready for bed. Eight hours later, and it all starts over again.Let's just sum all that up to: I am in a funk.
Ta-Da! A fix is the blog! It's probably a better use of my mind anyway to sit and write. Compared to scrolling and sighing as I flip through the seasons of Love is Blind on the TV. (I have no shame in watching that BTW.) Besides, I would love to have a job or just a hobby where I can travel anywhere and jot down advice or say, "Hey, check this out if you have time." I'm traveling anyways right? Don't get me wrong, I love my current job, and I'm good at it. But I also realize that there is so much more to this world. And if you are someone from my work and happened to stumble upon this, please ignore that last sentence and rest assured, I'm not quitting anytime soon. Let's move on.

About My Journey:
I suppose as the reader, you would probably like to get to know me a little more. While I am sure we will get to know each other quite well, I'll give you a little insight into my recent days in Texas. I'm your run-of-the-mill, country girl from the land of beer and cheese, Wisconsin. Yep, that's me! Of course I was looking to see a little bit of warmer weather so I wandered down to the red, white, and blue state of Texas. If anyone were to ask me, "What is the state most proud of being an American?" Hands down, I would say Texas. While yes, the drivers are crazy and dear goodness the southern charm is strong when a man opens the door for you, this place has God Bless America written all over it.

I moved here in April 2024 and decided to take a leap of faith. I left behind my family, coworkers, friends, and boyfriend to see if Texas was the place for me. There's always been something mysterious and beautiful to me about packing up your life and moving to a new state. Hollywood definitely gives it a glamorous lifestyle, but I realized when I moved it's a lot harder than the movies make it look. In just about any movie where someone makes a huge lifestyle change, they seem to adapt in a matter of minutes. Sure they have a few struggles, but eventually they meet that one person that they fall in love with or get the job of their dreams that makes the move all worth while. Here I am on month 8, still wondering what I want to do with my time here.
I live in a two-bedroom, two-bath apartment with the CUTEST of kitties. Kevin and Milo are my cheerleaders. Despite their share of medical issues, they have always been cheerful and playful; full of personality. And if you aren't a cat lover, I promise they think they are dogs anyway. They would pretty much count.

Hobbies & Connection:
I love to travel, go hiking, solve mysteries and do anything and everything typical of a 29 year old girl. I try new things, eat good food and of course, watch Hallmark movies while decorating for Christmas. As we continue to explore this blog together, I'd love to hear from you. Do you have any questions you want me to answer? Any travel stories you want to share? Whether you are here for the personal stories, to ask questions or to see what's on the docket for a Wisco-girl in Texas, I am happy to have you along for the trail ride.
Until next time, stay curious and let's wander-after coffee of course.